Thursday, July 9, 2009

Wake Up! Not Another Bedtime Story...

Wake Up! Not Another Bedtime Story...
Melanie Pace July 2009

“Tell me a Story Dad” says my 2 year old to my husband, and I over hear the most outrageous stories and they are definitely not your grandma's bedtime stories. For instance the story usually starts something like “There once were three chickens; Chico, Manuel, and Fred...” or “There once were 3 bears and a chicken on a Harley...” The names are never the same and no story is ever told the same way twice. Aubry thinks that his Dad is the greatest storyteller in the world, and hangs onto every word as he squirms and giggles. On the other hand, I tend to stick with the standard Three Little Pigs or Three Bears. I have told these standard bedtime stories so many times that if I doze off mid-sentence I wake up with Aubry pushing on my shoulder and filling me in on what comes next. He has heard the stories so many times that he can recite the words verbatim. Aubry enjoys His dads stories more because they come alive, and he hangs onto every word anticipating where Scott is going with the story. When I tell a bedtime story it does what it was intended to do - put him to sleep.

What does the Bible do for you...fill you with anticipation, or put you to sleep? You see the Word of God is living and breathing. It is not just another compilation of stories, or a self help guide.

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active.

“Living and active”: Our church has two Sunday morning services, and Scott usually uses the same scriptures in both services, but it NEVER comes out the same. Even though he has the same outline and notes. This phenomenon happens because Gods word is “living and active”. It will do what God has purposed for it to do.

Isaiah 55:11 so is my word that goes out from my mouth:
It will not return to me empty,
but will accomplish what I desire
and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

We should never treat God and His Word as though it is a fairy tale. It is full of exciting stories that are true, and if true, then we can experience the same, but only if we read and live it. A wonderful woman of God that I know and love says “Work the Word and it will work for you”. This means to put God's word into practice and stand firm upon its promises. We use many resources to figure out how to live, when the bible is the essential resource that we need. The Bible will do many things for us if we read it, study it, and apply it.

Luke 4:4 And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.

Luke 11:28b... blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it.

2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness,

Time to wake up, and understand that God's Word is not a fairy tale. It is God, the creator of all things, speaking directly to us. So read the living Word of God... hanging onto every word with excited anticipation.

Friday, May 29, 2009



Many years ago I noticed that our youth group was being accepting of sin in their lives. So I decided to use an illustration that I had heard about. I baked brownies for the group and as they were devouring them, I told them that I added a special ingredient – dog poop. The group collectively began to spit out brownie, but I assured them that It was such a small amount that they would never taste it. The point being, you cannot combine brownie mix with a contaminate in even small proportions and have something that is safe to consume. The same with mixing God's truth with anything else.

There is a phenomenon that has been happening since time began; we take worldly ideas and Godly ideas and we interweave them into a new thing. What we end up with is a new ideology that does not resemble God's truth, but it sure “seems” godly. I am not talking about worshiping styles (contemporary vs. traditional). I am referring to taking God's immutable truth and diluting it with anything else.

In the book of Judges, God gave the children of Israel a specific task of wiping out the Canaanites, and possessing the promised land, but instead the children of Israel decided to cohabitate with the Canaanites. Eventually this led to the incorporation of Canaanite ideas and worship. The truth of God was combined with lies (... if it is not fully THE TRUTH then it is...fully a LIE). The result is distorted thoughts, ideas, and opinions.

Judges 17:6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

If you read chapter 17 you will see the impact that a world view had on Micah and his Mother. They did some seemingly godly things, but they had no knowledge of the truth.

Doing what is right in our own eyes is very dangerous. Our feelings, thoughts, opinions, and logic have been contaminated by the world around us. Sometimes we confuse the things we feel passionate about with truth. There are many people who were motivated out of their own deep convictions, and did what was right in their own eyes.

Cultural examples: Hitler, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, terrorists, pro choice supporters, humanists, new agers, ….the list is endless.

Biblical examples: Adam and Eve (eating the apple), Cain(killed his brother), Sarah and Abraham (tried to help God by offering Hagar to conceive), Pharaoh (refused to set Israel free), Judas (betrayed Christ), Prodigal son, ….again the list could go on.

Now go look in the mirror, are you doing what is seemingly right in your own eyes... Or what God has established by His word, or by the leading of the Holy Spirit. The truth is not “in your eyes”, it is in placing the Word of God before your eyes...and living it out daily.

Deuteronomy 12:8“You shall not at all do as we are doing here today—every man doing whatever is right in his own eyes
Judges 17:6
In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Proverbs 12:15
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, But he who heeds counsel is wise.
Proverbs 21:2
Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, But the LORD weighs the hearts.

Monday, May 11, 2009


On Wednesday nights our church has family training and after praise and worship the various groups are dismissed to their appointed classrooms. Taking Aubry to nursery has always been a dreaded task for myself and the nursery volunteers, because Aubry screams and flails wildly when I take him. Last Wednesday night, not wanting to ask anyone to take him for me, I walked out the door toward nursery with Aubry in tow. Aubry looked up and said “Am I going to play?”. “Yes” I responded. “Goin' to nursery?” he asked. Again I responded with “Yes”. Aubry's calmly looked up at me and said “Then I guess I'll have to cry”. That response has gone down as my favorite Aubryism, because it was without anxiety, or apprehension. I laughed so hard, because it was so totally matter of fact. He had passed the trauma of being left in the nursery a long time ago, but the mindset was still there. The tantrum had become a natural response to my leaving. It had become “the thing” to do.

This humorous story has made me realize the power of a persons mindset. I realized after closely examining my own mindset, that I have predetermined responses to events and situations....

Okay, let call it what it is: stinkin' thinkin'.

But I have to guard my joy against these kinds of thoughts. Scripture tells us how to re-set our thinking and reactions.

Proverbs 16:3Commit your works to the LORD, And your thoughts will be established.

2 Corinthians 10:5casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Next time I am tempted to respond or think negatively regarding a situation or event, I will have to remember the instruction given by the apostle Paul:
Philippians 4:11Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content

Mindset: “Oh no it's Monday”
New Mindset: “Father God, It is Monday again and I am excited about the opportunities that you have created for me this new week”.

Mindset: “I don't want to pay bills, it is to painful”
New Mindset: “God, I thank you for your many blessings, and realize that all I have is yours, so help me be a good steward of the things you have entrusted me with”

Mindset: “ARRRGHHH, Homeschooling, what was I thinking”
New Mindset: “Father you have instructed me to teach my children, when I sit in my house, walk on the road, when I wake up and when I lie down (Deuteronomy 6:7), and I thank you for the privilege that you have given me to do this”

Final words of wisdom:

Colossians 3:2Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.

Keep in mind that Jesus wants us to place our anxiety on Him, which means we have to have trust in Him, and this comes through a daily personal relationship with Him.

Philippians 4:6Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God

1 Peter 5:7casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.

Don't allow your mindset to control your actions, examine them, bring them into perspective and be aware that the trauma may have passed long ago, but the natural response may still linger. So, say NO to stinkin' thinkin'.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Do you suffer from SADD?

Do you suffer from SADD?
….Devastation, a dagger through the heart of a mom. The response to a simple question that knocked the wind out of me. Sitting in a meeting with a 4th grader teacher and hearing “...there is nothing more we can do for him”.

Jadon had been diagnosed with severe ADD toward the end of his 3rd grade year. 98th percentile severe; there are only 2% of boys his age with less attention. Medications did not work for him, we attempted 4 different prescriptions, with bizarre side effects. In light of this, Jadon was labeled intervention resistant, and the teacher's proclamation translated to me “...there is no hope for your son”. I withdrew Jadon from school and am currently homeschooling. I have found creative ways to keep his attention. that have been successful. I have eliminated distractions, created a quiet, calm atmosphere, and I have to remain close as he is doing his work in order to remind him to focus. We have good days, and some not so good days, but we have both adapted quite well.

Deuteronomy 4:9
9 Only take heed to yourself, and diligently keep yourself, lest you forget the things your eyes have seen, and lest they depart from your heart all the days of your life. And teach them to your children and your grandchildren,

One of the most dangerous weapons in satan's arsenal is distraction. Our lives are busy, and if we allow it to, “life” will choke God out. Kids, work, school, meetings, workout regimens, bill paying, grocery shopping, doctor appointments, laundry, cooking, recreation, home maintenance, relationships.....the list is endless. And you are at risk for SADD (spiritual attention deficit disorder). Self medication is not the answer. The best answer is to get to the root of the problem. Eliminate the non essential distractions of life, create quiet time and remain close to God in order to keep focus on Him.

Just like Jadon; “there is hope for you”, but you have to be intentional in creating and maintaining this atmosphere in your life.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Suffer from memory loss????

Remembering events and people from our past is very important. Events and people from our past are the very fiber of our personal history, and contain threads of character building DNA that have formed us into the people that we are. At the annual Murray reunion, we release balloons in memory of the family members that have passed away that year. This tradition is both moving and tearful. As the balloons rise in ascent from the earth, my mind gravitates to ways that each honoree, impacted my life. The fact is that if we did not have this ceremony, those memories would be pushed back in lieu of the festivities and food. So I am glad that as a family, we are intentional in remembering those who have gone before.

I remember the first time that my Dad told me that he loved me. I hold that memory dear, because he was not a man who said “I love you.” I knew he loved me, without him saying a word, by the way he cared for our family. He was stability, strength, and protection. He loved the Lord and made sure he passed that heritage to my brother and I. My first memory of his declaration of love for me was in 9th grade. He and my mom had taken a job in Colorado and I would not see them for 6 months. He did not pass his sentiments on through my mom as in time past. He came into the living room wrapped his big arms around me and with tears in his eyes said “I love you Melanie, you be good and we will see you in a few months.” I have not thought of this in years, and as I sit here through teary eyes, I am thankful for the memory.

Luke 22:19
19 And He took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.”

It is important for us not to have memory loss where Jesus is concerned. You see no one took Jesus' life, He laid it down in a supreme declaration of love. And He wants us to remember that declaration. In the act of communion we are given the opportunity to remember, rejoice, repent, and be reconciled.

I Corinthians 11:23-29
  • Remember what Jesus did for you. (vs 23-25)
  • Rejoice that Jesus died for you, and that He will return because he did not stay dead. (vs 26)
  • Repent of any unconfessed sin. (vs 27-28)
  • Reconcile yourself to God. (vs 29)

Communion should not become, just another rote “religious” ceremony. It is a very beautiful opportunity to remember Jesus' loving sacrifice. We take communion at our church monthly, but communion takes on a deeper meaning when taken in our home. Just me and God, reflecting on His word with the physical elements of juice and crackers, reminding me of the first time Jesus said “I love you Melanie, be good, and I'll see you I sit here through teary eyes, I am thankful for the memory.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hold Me Daddy

In the pre-dawn hours as I am still stuck somewhere between floating in peaceful bliss, and awakening to the demands of a new day, I am jolted into reality by the sound of coffee beans being ground into a much needed fuel to jump start my morning. I then hear the familiar sound of tiny feet rhythmically slapping against the tile floors. The tapping pauses and I know what the next request will be ---- “I need a boppy”. For those of you that are not fluent in Aubry-nese that is what he calls his sippy cup. I lay still in bed listening to the exchange between Father and Son, anticipating what the dialogue will be. With boppy and silky (his blanket) in tow, Aubry will grab his Dad's hand and guide him to his chair, saying “Sit down Daddy, hold me”. Scott will sit down, and Aubry will climb into his lap, clutching “boppy”, in the same manner I will be clutching a coffee mug in a few minutes. He will fully recline into Dad's chest and snuggle into the most comfortable position possible. As I stumble out of the bedroom I see both Father and Son with looks of complete contentment, just enjoying that moment together.

Many of us have forgotten that God is our Father. Not a father with imperfections, and flaws, but a perfect Father. He desires to spend time with us, but “religion” has depicted God as sitting on a throne, waiting for us to mess up so he can hurl lightening bolts down at us. If your Dad was non existent in your life, or worse yet, your Dad was abusive, then your view of fatherhood is probably skewed. Even if you had a great Dad, you are still seeing a Dad with flaws, and imperfections. We serve a God that is our Father; a perfect Father, and he wants to spend time with us just being with Him, not “doing” anything. Do not confuse doing with being. We were created to be human beings, not human doings.

John 15:7If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.
Romans 8:15For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”

The word Abba is much deeper than Father, the word Abba is a very intimate word, that is translated Daddy. God has a deep love for us, and a desire for us to abide in Him. Going to church, and serving is great and is required in scripture, but it is no replacement for quiet time with the Father. It is in these intimate moments that we learn about His character and we build a trust relationship. These are the times that we need to be enjoying with our heavenly Father.

So at the onset of each new day, grab Abba Father by the hand, climb up in His arms and just sit quietly with Him for a while.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fill'er Up

As a small girl, I remember my grandparents pulling into the gas station and the attendant coming around to papaw's window and asking him what he would have. Papaw would reply "fill'er up", and the attendant would proceed with pumping the gas, checking the oil, and washing the windshield.

We have come a long way from those day. Things were so simple then. The simplicity was not just imagined or seen through a child's eyes. Things were genuinely simple, from sitting on the porch while friends, family, and neighbors would visit and pick music until way into the night. Things were slower, conversation was an art, and life was savored. The simple pleasures of life were not missed. People were not so self involved.

God created us with a need to be loved and to love. He created us to draw to him for our true fulfillment. The problem is in our fast paced "progressive" lives we fail to see the things that truly matter. Our focus tends to be inward, but we were created for our focus to be on God and then others.
Matthew 12
29 Jesus answered him, “The first of all the commandments is: ‘Hear, O Israel, the LORD our God, the LORD is one. 30 And you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.’This is the first commandment. 31 And the second, like it, is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Look at this for a moment, if our focus is on HIM, we do not have time to “nurse” our own selfish ambitions. And Jesus goes one step further to command that we love others as ourselves. The truth is that it is a rarity these days for anyone to look beyond themselves. This is why divorce is rampant, suicides, addiction, depression...and the list goes on. If we would prefer others, and place their needs first, our dissatisfaction becomes obsolete.

We all need to be fulfilled, but what is filling you up? Are you looking to another outside of your marriage, are you numbing yourself with drugs, alcohol, pornography, sex, or food? Are you diving so deeply into your career that the busyness masks the loneliness?

It is not up to our spouses or families to fulfill us. Fulfillment will never be found at the bottom of a bottle...True fulfillment will only be found in obedience to this the greatest command. And if we love God with an unbridled passion, we will desire to seek Him and to spend time with him. As we reject the temptation of placing ourselves before God and others, we will find the true satisfaction that we all crave.

So pull on up to the pump, roll down the window and smile. When God asks "what do you need?" allow Him to “fill'er up”.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Enlightenment...Created for what?

Welcome, this is my first blog. I love to write and figure that blogging is a good outlet for my creative compulsion.

As I watch people in this chaotic, crazy world I try to make sense of it all. I would like to say that I have it all figured out, but I don't...Not even close. I do know that we were all created for a purpose. I wonder if we give much thought to that purpose, or do we just "exist" making through each day. Making it through a day is not an accomplishment, it is a sad existence.

Going back to the beginning is a good place to start finding enlightenment on this subject. Imagine walking at noon day, the warmth of the sun resting on your shoulder, and the smell of sweet honeysuckle filling the air. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, drinking in all that is around you, and then to look over and see the creator of all things coming to spend time with you. In that moment all is right with the world, you were created for this; to spend time with God. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were able to walk and talk with God. We were created for that same purpose. Because of sinfulness we separated ourselves from the very thing that would "complete" us. Even though we (humanity) messed up, God made a blood covenant with us, and He made a way for us to walk with Him again (which is another discussion for another day).

Walking in that noonday sun and drinking in His presence is not just a beautiful picture of what could be, but it is a reality for those of us who know Him. But do we? I am not questioning whether those who do NOT profess Jesus walk and talk with God on a daily basis. There is a sadness that comes in knowing that most Christians do not walk and talk daily with God even though they could. Why would we not want to spend time with the one who desires to spend time with us, who holds our very purpose in His hands. Bowing heads, reciting cold repetative words strung together with precision, is not what I'm talking about. I am referring to pouring out your deepest thoughts, highest joys, and heart wrenching fears to someone who genuinely cares for you. Spending time getting to know the one that loves us unconditionally. I want to propose a challenge to you...spend one week speaking to God everyday, but make sure you pause to listen for what He is saying to you. He will speak to you if you will listen.